Finding My Op in Class

So we have a competitor.

Hey guys, thanks for coming from the video! I’m Jinny, her co-founder, and I need you all to help her get to 10K followers, because if she leaves... I don't know how I'm supposed to run Manyasiri without her. (The sheer thought of Pear leaving on a jet plane tomorrow is sending shivers down my spine)

Instead of freaking out about our competitor, we laughed it off and vowed not to get sidetracked. We asked ourselves how we could differentiate ourselves from them, and started doing what we do best — brainstorming a Valentine's Day pop-up event. 💖

Picture this: self care sheet masks, chocolate covered strawberries, and a "Glow Up with Your Bestie" photo stall. While they're doing corporate things, we're planning to turn our dorm common room into a beauty wonderland. Is it professional? Maybe not. Is it totally us? Absolutely. We have 115 days to prove ourselves, and that means staying true to who we are—the scrappy underdogs who aren't afraid to do things differently.

Just by one click of a button, you're helping us stay here and build this dream. Every follow brings us closer to proving that sometimes the underdogs—the college kids with big dreams and questionable qualifications—can win too.

Remember, if you love skincare, startups, or just want to see if we can actually pull this off (trust me, we're wondering too), follow along! This journey is about to get interesting. 🚀

With love,


Subscribe and follow us @manyasiribeauty watch four college students try to revolutionize skincare while not disappointing any Asian parents in the process (trust me on this one Dad).

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